Exceptional self service experiences

Self service guides for Amazon Connect Chat

Streamline operations and reduce operating costs with Amazon Connect's feature rich self-service chat solutions. In this article, we'll show you how to empower customers to take charge of their accounts with guided UI experiences, driving both customer experience improvements and business insights.

The customer experience

Customers enjoy a personalized experience with relevant recommendations tailored to their specific account information. The intuitive chatbot guides them through a seamless account management process, enabling instant decision-making and providing real-time updates. This approach ensures high customer satisfaction and reduces the need for agent escalation.

Additionally, the chatbot automates case/ticket creation for audit controls and offers a comprehensive 360-degree view of the customer. The case is automatically closed upon completion, or it is referred to a credit review agent if human involvement is necessary, ensuring the customer is kept informed about progress in real time

The technology used

The video demonstrated the seamless integration of native Amazon Connect services to deliver a high-value customer transaction. This streamlined solution eliminates the need for additional 3rd party software or services. Key components include:

  1. Chatbot: Amazon Connect provides a customizable chatbot tailored to your brand and customer needs.
  2. Self Service Guides: This feature allows you to design customer workflows with the same ease as agent workflows, ensuring a consistent experience. Cases: Amazon Connect's built-in Cases functionality directly links activity to customer profiles and chat transcripts, simplifying QA and reporting processes.
  3. Cases: By using the Amazon Connect built in Cases feature we're able to link the activity to the customer profile, along with the chat transcript for QA and reporting.

Data-driven decisions: Improve your service with customer behavior analytics

Since 2017, the people at CX Studio has been developing high-value self-service solutions using Amazon Connect. Our experience underlines the close connection between outstanding customer experiences and tangible business benefits. Amazon Connect offers extensive data on customer behavior, enabling businesses to refine their services and offerings.

Partnering with CX Studio and Amazon Connect facilitates the creation of insightful self-service applications. We monitor customer chatbot interactions, reasons for agent escalation, and agent actions, providing a complete view of the customer experience. This method allows for continuous optimization and delivery of superior customer journeys.

Here's a sample report illustrating the varied customer pathways through self-service experiences (such as a credit limit increase application) and agent interactions. This automated logging removes the need for manual disposition codes, making the analysis more streamlined and accurate.

Customer Journeys

For more information about our AWS services and how we can assist in optimizing your customer experience, contact us.


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